The beta3 adrenergic receptor (B3-AR) reportedly induces cell proliferation, but the signaling pathways that were proposed, involving either Gs or Gi coupling, remain controversial. To further investigate the role of G protein coupling in B3-AR induced proliferation, we stimulated primary human myometrial smooth muscle cells with SAR150640 (B3-AR agonist) in the absence or presence of variable G-protein inhibitors. Specific B3-AR stimulation led to an Erk1/2 induced proliferation. We observed that the proliferative effects of B3-AR require two Erk1/2 activation peaks (the first after 3min, the second at 8h). Erk1/2 activation at 3min was mimicked by forskolin (adenylyl-cyclase activator), and was resistant to pertussis toxin (Gi inhibitor), suggesting a Gs protein signaling. This first signaling also required the downstream Gs signaling effectors PKA and Src. However, Erk1/2 activation at 8h turned out to be pertussis toxin-dependent, and PKA-independent, indicating a Gi signaling pathway in which Src and PI3K were required. The pharmacological inhibition of both the Gs and Gi pathway abolished B3-AR-induced proliferation. Altogether, these data indicate that B3-AR-induced proliferation depends on the biphasic activation of Erk1/2 sequentially induced by the Gs/PKA/Src and Gi/Src/PI3K signaling pathways.
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