Recycled board plays an important role in food packaging, but the great variety of organic impurities must be considered as potential food contaminants. The diffusion behaviour of the impurities is significantly different from that in plastic materials. The two-layer concept for paper and board introduced recently is now treated in more detail. In the rate-determining surface region the diffusion coefficients of the n-alkanes in the homologous series with 15-35 carbon atoms decrease proportionally as their vapour pressures. This leads to a different equation of the diffusion coefficients in comparison with that for the core layer. Different polarities of the migrants have additional influences on the diffusion due to their interactions with the fibre matrix. A new analytical method for the quantification of aromatic impurities has previously been developed. Based on this method and on the described diffusion behaviour, a migration model for specific and global mass transfer of impurities from recycled board into dry food and food simulants is given.