In addition to health care centers, other institutions such as community centers are also involved in providing immunization services, the purpose being to address the inadequate provision of services in this area. The purpose of this study was to assess the quality of immunization services provided by non-medical staff. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted over the course of two months in the 15 public community centers providing immunization services in Abidjan. Data collection was performed by two physicians using three questionnaires (one for center managers, one for vaccinators and one for vaccine recipients) and two observation checklists (to assess vaccination equipment and to observe the behaviors and practices of vaccinators). The study found that none of the centers had a generator. One community center had no refrigerator. Refrigerators were not placed in a ventilated area in 14.3 % of the centers and were not exclusively used for the storage of vaccines in 26.7 % of the centers. None of the centers had an incinerator. 21.1 % of staff did not know the correct storage temperature. In 88.9 % of cases, the swab used to stop bleeding was also used to clean the injection site. The injection site was not sterilized in 10.8 % of cases. 73.9 % of the recipients did not know what vaccine they had been administered, while 95 % of the recipients did not know the date of their next vaccination appointment. The results indicate that immunization services in public community centers have many shortcomings. To address these issues, it is necessary to implement a training policy and to provide appropriate equipment and supervision.