Wikipedia neuroscience stub editing in an introductory undergraduate neuroscience course

J Undergrad Neurosci Educ. 2012 Fall;11(1):A1-5. Epub 2012 Oct 15.


In response to the Society for Neuroscience initiative to help improve the neuroscience related content in Wikipedia, I implemented Wikipedia article construction and revision in my Introduction to Neuroscience course at Boston College as a writing intensive and neuroscience related outreach activity. My students worked in small groups to revise neuroscience "stubs" of their choice, many of which had little or no useful content. The exercise resulted in the successful development of well-written Wikipedia neuroscience articles, and was received well by my students, receiving positive marks in our course evaluations. Much of the student guidance and assessment was done by student peer groups as well as other Wikipedia editors outside of our course, reducing the instructor involvement to below that of a typical term paper.

Keywords: Wikipedia; collaborative; introductory course; outreach; science writing; small group work.