Nurses' role in diabetic foot prevention and care; a review

J Diabetes Metab Disord. 2012 Nov 21;11(1):24. doi: 10.1186/2251-6581-11-24.


Diabetes as one of Non-communicable diseases has allocated a large proportion of cost, time and human resources of health systems. Now, due to changes in lifestyle and industrial process, incidence of diabetes and its complications have been increased. Accordingly diabetic foot considered as a common complication of diabetes.Nurses are health care providers who actively involved in prevention and early detection of diabetes and its complications. The nurses' role could be in health care, health, community education, health systems management, patient care and improving the quality of life.Diabetes Nurses play their educating role in the field of prevention of diabetic foot, foot care and preventing from foot injury. In care dimension, nurses responsible for early detection of any changes in skin and foot sensation, foot care, dressing and apply novel technology.In the area of rehabilitation, help patient sufferings from diabetic foot ulcer or amputation, to have movement are diabetes nurse's duties.Consequently, nurses need to attend in special training to use the latest instructions of diabetic foot care in order that provides the effective services to facilitate promote diabetic patients health.