The developmentally regulated expression of forms of cytochrome P-450, namely, those encoded by lambda HFL33 and NF25 or HLp cDNAs, which were isolated from respective fetal and adult human liver cDNA libraries, was investigated. When EcoRI fragments of cDNA clones of lambda HFL33 and NF25 were used as probes, these probes hybridized with RNA from both fetal and adult human livers. However, when oligonucleotides specific to the coding and 3'-noncoding region of lambda HFL33 (oli-HFL and oli-HFL3', respectively) were used as probes, these probes gave hybridizable bands with RNA from fetal but not adult livers. On the other hand, an oligonucleotide probe specific to the coding region of NF25 and HLp (oli-NF) gave positive bands with RNA only from adult livers. These results indicate that P-450(HFL33) is expressed specifically in fetal livers and that neither P-450NF nor HLp is expressed in fetal livers, but one or both are expressed in adult livers.