Sequentially and intimately coupled photolysis with biodegradation were evaluated for their ability to accelerate quinoline-removal and quinoline-mineralization kinetics. UV photolysis sequentially coupled to biodegradation significantly improved biomass-growth kinetics, which could be represented well by the Aiba self-inhibition model: UV photolysis increased the maximum specific growth rate (μ max) by 15 %, and the inhibition constant (K SI) doubled. An internal loop photo-biodegradation reactor (ILPBR) was used to realize intimately coupled photolysis with biodegradation. The ILPBR was operated with batch experiments following three protocols: photolysis alone (P), biodegradation alone (B), and intimately coupled photolysis and biodegradation (P&B). For P&B, the maximum quinoline removal rate (r max) increased by 9 %, K SI increased by 17 %, and the half-maximum-rate concentration (K S) decreased by 55 %, compared to B; the composite result was a doubling of the quinoline-biodegradation rate for most of the concentration range tested. The degree of mineralization was increased by both forms of photolysis coupled to biodegradation, and the impact was greater for intimate coupling (18 % increase) than sequential coupling (5 %). The benefits of UV photolysis were greater with intimate coupling than with sequential coupling due to parallel transformation by biodegradation and photolysis.