Seventeen patients with presumed advanced ovarian cancer were treated initially with platinum-based chemotherapy. All patients had either cytologic or histologic findings consistent with an ovarian adenocarcinoma. Eight patients subsequently had surgery: one patient had a complete pathological response and one patient had microscopic disease; both are alive without evidence of disease. Five patients were surgically debulked to less than 1 cm, and one patient had large residual disease after surgery. Four of these patients are alive with disease and one died of disease. Nine patients did not have surgery; two patients had no response to chemotherapy and four patients had stabilization of disease. These six patients have died. Two patients had initial partial responses and are alive with disease. One patient with a complete clinical response at autopsy was without evidence of disease. The follow-up ranged from 7 to 109 months; the median survival was 15 months. Comparison of these 17 patients with 21 patients with stage IV disease and 38 suboptimally debulked patients with stage III disease treated during the same period with aggressive surgery followed by chemotherapy revealed no statistical difference in overall survival between these 17 patients and the two groups of patients. The postoperative hospital stay and complication rate were significantly lower for the 9 patients who had surgery than for the 21 patients with stage IV disease. This report suggests that in patients with presumed ovarian cancer and significant medical problems or with a priori nondebulkable tumor, initial chemotherapy and then surgery should be considered.