The variability of the first intron of the nad7 gene of Scots pine mitochondrial DNA was investigated in 15 populations in northeast of European Russia and in three populations in Belarus, Sweden, and the Voronezh region. Restriction Fragments Length Polymorphism of the PCR product (PCR-RFLP) and sequencing were used. The investigated samples were compared with the populations studied previously. The haplotype, which is absolutely dominant in the eastern part of the Scots pine range, was fixed in the Kirov, Arkhangelsk, and Kostroma regions; Komi; and Chuvashia. The extreme northeastern discovery of an alternative haplotype that is present in most European populations and occurs the most frequently in eastern Scandinavia was made in the Vologda region. These results support the hypothesis that the population of Scots pine in northeast Russia and Fennoscandia originated from different glacial refugia.