We present the first video-EEG recording of episodes of "epileptic headache". The case reported is that of a 9-year-old girl with brief episodes (of a few minutes) of severe frontal headache, which corresponded to the presence of concurrent spikes and slow waves, starting in the right temporal area. A dysplastic lesion of the right temporal lobe was observed by MRI and the patient received surgery, with subsequent disappearance of headaches. This case highlights ictal EEG as the main diagnostic tool for epileptic headache. We discuss the terminology regarding this type of manifestation and believe that cases without subsequent epileptic manifestations, as in the present case, should be more appropriately referred to as "pure ictal epileptic headache" or simply "pure epileptic headache". [Published with video sequences].
Keywords: epilepsy; headache; migraine; pain; seizure; video-EEG.