We developed an assay for the extraction and simultaneous quantitation of five key metabolites of the methionine metabolic pathway in liver tissue. The metabolites included were 5'-methylthioadenosine, methionine, homocysteine, S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine, and S-adenosyl-L-methionine. The metabolites were extracted using a bead-based homogenization method, and quantitation was carried out using hydrophilic interaction chromatography and time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The extraction procedure was optimized by testing the effect of various solvent combinations. The chromatographic method was optimized for peak shape, signal intensity, and carry-over. With a total chromatographic run time of 5 min, this assay is suitable for the analysis of large sample sets. Time-of-flight mass spectrometry provided high mass accuracy which, combined with isotope pattern matching and use of chemical standards, guarantees high specificity. Moreover, by operating the mass spectrometer in enhanced duty cycle mode the signal strength for the analytes increased three- to tenfold in comparison with the generic full-scan mode. For quantitation, a matrix-spiked calibration method was used. The lowest analyte levels detected and quantified using our method were within the range of concentrations found in the liver. The inter-day coefficients of variance for the analytes were between 5 and 15% in pooled tissue samples. Interestingly, the CVs between individual liver tissue aliquots were about twice as high. Additional experiments suggested that this higher variability was caused by uneven distribution of the analytes within the liver. In conclusion, an optimized and robust assay is now available for the extraction and quantification of key metabolites in the methionine metabolic pathway.