Prevalence of hepatitis d in the eastern mediterranean region: systematic review and meta analysis

Hepat Mon. 2013 Jan;13(1):e8210. doi: 10.5812/hepatmon.8210. Epub 2013 Jan 6.


Background: Hepatitis D Virus (HDV) causes the most threatening form of chronic viral hepatitis. To date, there is no overall estimation of HDV prevalence in the Eastern Mediterranean Region Office of WHO (EMRO) countries.

Objectives: To provide a clear estimation of HDV prevalence in the aforementioned region.

Patients and methods: In the current systematic review, databases such as PubMed, Embase, Web of sciences and Google scholar were searched Until December 2010. The summary estimate of HDV prevalence in the EMRO region was calculated as an average of the pooled infection prevalence of each country weighted by the ratio of the country's HBV population to the study's sample size in the survey data analysis.

Results: We included 62 eligible studies. The weighted mean of HDV prevalence in the EMRO region was 14.74% (95% CI: 14.73 - 14.77), 27.8% (95% CI: 27.78 - 27.82), 36.57% (95% CI: 36.55 - 36.59) and 16.44%. (95% CI: 16.42 - 16.46) in asymptomatic HBsAg positive carriers, chronic hepatitis patients, cirrhosis/ hepatocellular carcinoma, and high risk group, respectively. Among the asymptomatic HBsAg positive group, HDV prevalence was increased by years in older patients in Saudi Arabia but its prevalence was decreased in Iran. No specific pattern was seen according to chronological analysis during years among the EMRO countries.

Conclusions: HDV infection is endemic in the EMRO countries and it is more common among patients with severe forms of hepatitis. Due to the high HDV infection rates in the EMRO countries, we recommend blood screening for HDV infection in this region.

Keywords: EMRO; Epidemiology; Hepatitis D; Meta-Analysis; Prevalence.