During cheese ripening, micro-organisms grow as immobilised colonies, metabolising substrates present in the matrix which generate products triggered by enzymatic reactions. Local limitation rates of diffusion, either in the matrix or within the bacterial colonies, can be responsible for modulation in the metabolic and enzymatic activities of micro-organisms during ripening. How bacterial colonies immobilised in cheese are porous to these diffusing solutes has never been explored. The objective of this study was to determine if fluorescent dextrans of different sizes (4.4, 70 and 155 kDa) are able to penetrate through colonies of Lactococcus lactis LD61 immobilised in solid media, either agar or model cheese. Confocal microscopic observations showed that lactococcus colonies immobilised in these two media were porous to dextrans from 4 kDa to 155 kDa. However, the rate of diffusion of the solutes was faster inside the colonies immobilised in ultrafiltered-cheese than in agar when large dextrans were considered (≥70 kDa). The colonial shape of the lactococcus strain was also shown to be lenticular in agar and spherical in the model cheese, indicating that the physical pressure exerted on the colony by the surrounding casein network was probably isotropous in the UF-cheese but not in agar. In both cases, the fact that lactococcus colonies immobilised in solid media are porous to large dextran solutes suggests that substrates or enzymes are likely also to be able to migrate inside the colonies during cheese ripening.
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