Synovial sarcoma (SS) arises primarily in the lower extremities with a predilection for sites in proximity to large joints, such as the knee. It rarely occurs in the head and neck region, and the tonsil is an unusual site for the tumor, with only eight previously published cases in this anatomical site. We present a case of a primary monophasic SS arising in the right tonsil in a 63-year-old male. His medical history was noncontributory. Immunohistochemistry showed that cytokeratin OSCAR, EMA, Bcl-2, vimentin, PGP 9.5, and TLE1 were diffusely positive. A molecular analysis using RT-PCR indicated that the patient was positive for the SYT/SSX1 fusion transcript. A diagnosis of monophasic synovial sarcoma of the tonsil was made.