Background: Hairdressers are occupationally exposed to a number of agents in their workplace that result in respiratory symptoms and changes in pulmonary function.
Objective: To evaluate associations between occupational exposure and respiratory function and reported symptoms in a group of hairdressers compared to a control group.
Methods: A questionnaire on respiratory symptoms and workplace characteristics was completed by 94 hairdressers and 39 age- and sex-matched controls. Spirometry and exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) measurements were also performed.
Results: Hairdressers reported more severe dyspnea (p=0.03) and eye (p=0.001) and throat (p=0.007) irritation, compared to the control group, at the workplace; no differences were noted at home. Lower FEV1/FVC (p<0.001) and higher FeNO values (p=0.012) were observed in hairdressers. A larger working area and presence of window ventilation were associated with better pulmonary function.
Conclusion: Worsening of symptoms and pulmonary function at workplace, and alleviating the symptoms at home, indicate that they may be related to occupational exposure.