The aim of this study was to induce type 2 diabetes in tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri chinensis). Streptozotocin (STZ), a glucosamine derivative of nitrosourea and preferentially toxic to pancreatic beta cells, has been commonly used to induce type 1 and 2 diabetes in experimental animals. Tree shrews were treated with different low doses of STZ (60, 70, and 80 mg/kg), with six control tree shrews receiving citrate buffer. After STZ injection, tree shrews displayed increased fasting blood and urine glucose, impaired oral glucose tolerance test, and disturbed lipids metabolism and renal function. However, STZ induced tree shrews showed no diabetic complications such as diabetic lactic acidosis and hyperglycemic hyperosmolar. Animals with the above type 2 diabetic-like symptoms were variable across the three groups from 66.7% to 100%, and mortality ranged from 16.7% to 33.3%. Thus, two 80 mg/kg STZ dose injections were appeared more appropriate than other doses to induce tree shrew model of type 2 diabetes. Our results demonstrated that type 2 diabetes could be induced with favorable STZ application in tree shrew.
链脲佐菌素 (streptozotocin, STZ)是链球菌产生的天然化合物, 对哺乳动物的胰岛B细胞有特异毒性, 被广泛用于诱导1型和2型糖尿病。该研究通过多次小剂量注射STZ来建立树鼩2型糖尿病动物模型。24只树鼩被分为对照组以及60、70和80 mg/kg剂量STZ诱导组。注射STZ后, 成模树鼩出现明显的多饮、多食和多尿症状, 平均体重未减轻, 高血糖症状持续8~16周, 尿糖显著阳性, 肾功能及糖耐受明显受损, 糖脂代谢紊乱, 但未出现糖尿病乳酸中毒和高血糖高渗等并发症。该结果表明, 多次小剂量STZ注射可诱导树鼩出现类似2型糖尿病症状和糖尿病肾脏损伤, 且综合考虑STZ注射次数、成模率以及成模稳定性, 两次注射80 mg/kg剂量的STZ较适合用于创建树鼩2型糖尿病模型。
Keywords: Streptozotocin; Tree shrew; Type 2 diabetes.