The effectiveness of low-dose aspirin in the primary prevention of thrombosis in patients with high-risk essential thrombocythaemia (ET) treated with cytoreductive drugs is not well established. The risk-benefit balance of low-dose aspirin plus cytoreductive therapy compared with cytoreduction alone was retrospectively analysed in 247 patients with high-risk ET without prior thrombosis. Follow-up was 763 and 685 person-years for cytoreduction plus low-dose aspirin and cytoreduction alone, respectively. The rate of thrombosis was not significantly reduced in patients on cytoreduction plus aspirin (14·4 events per 1000 person-years) when compared with those on cytoreduction alone (24·8 events per 1000 person-years; P = 0·2). However, in the subgroup of patients older than 60 years, the addition of low-dose aspirin was associated with a significantly lower rate of thrombosis (8·6 vs. 29·2 thrombosis per 1000 person-years for combined treatment and cytoreduction alone, respectively, P = 0·02). The rate of major bleeding was significantly higher with combined therapy than with cytoreduction alone both in the whole series (14·4 vs. 1·4 haemorrhagic events per 1000 person-years, respectively, P = 0·006) and in the subgroup of patients older than 60 years. In conclusion, low-dose aspirin benefits high-risk ET patients older than 60 years receiving cytoreductive therapy as primary prophylaxis of thrombosis.
© 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.