We recently found that rat hepatocyte transplantation was efficient (liver repopulation: 2.4%) in a sublethal nude mouse model (less than 33% mortality) of repeated liver injury generated using Jo2, a mouse-specific anti-Fas antibody, at sublethal dose of 250 µg/kg for 3 weeks. Genomic analysis of the livers revealed cell cycle blockade and an antiproliferative status of circadian genes, suggesting a selective advantage. By contrast, in the present study, freshly isolated human hepatocyte transplantation performed in the same mouse model resulted in implantation of less than 6,000 cells per liver (about 0.006% repopulation) in all animals. Genomic analysis of nude mouse livers revealed a lack of P21 upregulation, while a signature of stimulation of liver regeneration was observed, including upregulation of early response genes and upregulation of circadian genes. When we translated this sublethal model to a lethal model (65% mortality) by increasing the Jo2 repeated doses to 375 µg/kg, human hepatocyte engraftment was still very low; however, animal mortality was corrected by transplantation (only 20% mortality). Genomic findings in livers from the mice of the lethal Jo2 transplanted group were similar to those of the sublethal Jo2 transplanted group, that is, no selective advantage genomic signature and signature of mouse liver regeneration. In conclusion, transplanted human hepatocytes acted as if they modified nude mouse liver responses to Jo2 by stimulating liver regeneration, leading to an increased survival rate.