Purpose: To investigate the toxicity of nelfinavir, administered during preoperative chemoradiotherapy (CRT) in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer.
Material and methods: Twelve patients were treated with chemoradiotherapy to 50.4 Gy combined with capecitabine 825 mg/m(2) BID. Three dose levels (DL) of nelfinavir were tested: 750 mg BID (DL1), 1250 mg BID (DL2) and an intermediate level of 1000 mg BID (DL3). Surgery was performed between 8 and 10 weeks after completion of CRT. Primary endpoint was dose-limiting toxicity (DLT), defined as any grade 3 or higher non-hematological or grade 4 or higher hematological toxicity.
Results: Eleven patients could be analyzed: 5 were treated in DL1, 3 in DL2 and 3 in DL3. The first 3 patients in DL1 did not develop a DLT. In DL2 one patient developed gr 3 diarrhea, 1 patient had gr 3 transaminase elevation and 1 patient had a gr 3 cholangitis with unknown cause. An intermediate dose level was tested in DL3. In this group 2 patients developed gr 3 diarrhea and 1 patient gr 3 transaminase elevation and gr 4 post-operative wound complication. Three patients achieved a pathological complete response (pCR).
Conclusions: Nelfinavir 750 mg BID was defined as the recommended phase II dose in combination with capecitabine and 50.4 Gy pre-operative radiotherapy in rectal cancer. First tumor response evaluations are promising, but a further phase II study is needed to get more information about efficacy of this treatment regimen.
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