Physical rehabilitation plays a determinant role in post-conflict contexts to restore disabled citizens' mobility and independence. While the main objectives of any physical rehabilitation programme are to ensure that the services provided are accessible and of good quality to meet existing needs, it is intended that the services need to be supported over the long term by public health and social welfare authorities. This article presents the results of a study conducted in three post-conflict countries on the relationships between the level of commitment of national governments to rehabilitation services and the influence of social networks on national policy related to physical rehabilitation. From a policy and resource standpoint, the environment in Nepal is the most favourable for creating leverage at the national level to influence the commitment of ministries in the rehabilitation sector, compared with Cambodia and Somaliland. Stakeholder network analysis in Nepal, furthermore, reveals a dominant civil society and private sector supporting rehabilitation services, including intense involvement of local organisations and user groups. Implications for Rehabilitation Physical rehabilitation is not on the top of the agenda of governments in fragile states. The commitment and involvement of national authorities in the rehabilitation sector is positively influenced by civil society and international organisations. The denser the social network of the rehabilitation sector is, the more influence the actors can exert influence over national authorities.
Keywords: Actors; fragile state; network; policy; rehabilitation.