Research Performances of Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) Members

Bioimpacts. 2012;2(2):111-22. doi: 10.5681/bi.2012.017. Epub 2012 May 7.


Introduction: Scientometric analysis of academic institutions provides useful information for policy makers, international and national organizations to invest in the research fields of the institutions to gain more outputs with less cost. The objectives of this work were to report a scientometric analysis of Islamic states considering a number of indicators.

Methods: The number of articles and patents published by members of organization of Islamic conference were extracted from Scopus(TM) along with the top journals, authors, document type, universities, language of the publications and subjects.

Results: The analyses of data revealed that Turkey is the leading country followed by Iran, Egypt, Malaysia and Nigeria when total numbers of indexed articles in Scopus(TM) are considered. When the articles of 2006-2010 are considered the ranks are Turkey, Iran, Malaysia, Egypt and Pakistan.

Conclusion: the increased pattern was observed for scientific performances of OIC members however, more investments are required to fill the gap between OIC members and the leading countries.

Keywords: Articles; Organization of Islamic Conference; Patents; Research Performance; Scientometrics.