Nuclear multifragmentation time scale and fluctuations of the largest fragment size

Phys Rev Lett. 2013 Apr 26;110(17):172701. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.172701. Epub 2013 Apr 25.


Distributions of the largest fragment charge, Zmax, in multifragmentation reactions around the Fermi energy can be decomposed into a sum of a Gaussian and a Gumbel distribution, whereas at much higher or lower energies one or the other distribution is asymptotically dominant. We demonstrate the same generic behavior for the largest cluster size in critical aggregation models for small systems, in or out of equilibrium, around the critical point. By analogy with the time-dependent irreversible aggregation model, we infer that Zmax distributions are characteristic of the multifragmentation time scale, which is largely determined by the onset of radial expansion in this energy range.