Background: To study the following characteristics of bicuspid aortic valves (BAVs): 1) the recurrence rate in our population, 2) patterns of hereditary transmission in different BAV morphologies and 3) the aortic dimensions of BAVs in first-degree relatives (FDRs).
Methods: A cross-sectional, prospective study of 100 consecutive families of BAV patients attending a university hospital. The following aortic valve morphologies were analysed and categorised: fusion of the right and left coronary cusps (BAV type A), right and noncoronary cusps (type B) and of the left and noncoronary cusps (type C).
Results: There were 553 subjects studied, 100 cases with a BAV (46.8±15 years, 66% male, type 67% A, 32% B and 1% C; 42% with aortic dilatation), 348 FDRs (44.8% male), and 105 healthy control subjects (50% male). We detected 16 BAVs among 348 FDRs. The recurrence rates were 15% for families, 4.6% for FDRs, 7.05% in men and 2.60% in women. The morphologic concordance in family members was 68.8%. The aortic dimensions in 270 adult FDRs with a tricuspid aortic valve were significantly smaller compared with BAV patients (sinus index diameter 1.60±0.19 cm/m(2) vs. 1.82±0.29 cm/m(2), p<0.001; tubular index diameter 1.51±0.23 cm/m(2) vs. 2.00±0.45 cm/m(2), p<0.001) and similar to 103 control subjects(sinus index diameter 1.60±0.19 cm/m(2) vs. 1.59±0.17 cm/m(2), p=0.600 and tubular index diameter 1.51±0.23 cm/m(2) vs. 1.53±0.18 cm/m(2), p=0.519).
Conclusions: In our population, the BAV recurrence rate in FDRs was low (4.6%). The hereditary transmission of morphologic BAV types seems by chance, and the aortic dimensions in tricuspid FDRs are normal.
Keywords: Aortic dilatation; Bicuspid aortic valve; Hereditary patterns; Relatives.
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