Full-length sequences were determined and analyzed for two human (MO and W3) and one swine (W2-5) hepatitis E virus (HEV) isolates from Beijing, China. The genomes of the three strains were composed of 7242, 7239, 7239 nucleotides, respectively, excluding the poly (A) tails, and were 84% identical to each other. All were classified into genotype 4. Sequence analysis shows that the 2 human isolates have up to 91-94% nucleotide identity in full length genome with swine strains isolated in China, while the swine isolate share 92% identity with the human strain T1 from Beijing. At the amino acid level, the three strains share 94%, 97% and 89-92% identity in the ORF1, ORF2 and ORF3, proteins respectively. The human strains MO and W3 have the highest identity, 97%, 98-99% and 96-98% in ORFs 1-3, respectively, to swine strains CHN-XJ-SW13 and CHN-XJ-SW33 from Xinjiang, China, while swine strain W2-5 has highest identity with the human strain HE-JA2, 96%, 99% and 91% in ORFs 1-3, respectively. Genotype specific amino acid substitutions were found at a single site in all three ORFs by sequences alignment, and genotype specific short sequences (5-10aa in length) were found in ORF1 and the C-terminus of ORF3. However, no difference was found at any amino acid position that discriminates between human and swine HEVs within genotype 4 for any of the three ORFs. These results indicated that the genotype 4 HEV strains from humans and pigs in China may evolve from the common ancestor.
Keywords: Complete genome; Hepatitis E virus; Sequence analysis; Swine HEV; Zoonotic transmission.
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