Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) has numerous modifiable risk factors. This study aimed to establish patients' awareness of risk factors and causes of PVD and their understanding of mechanisms of secondary prevention. A prospective survey of awareness of PVD among patients attending a tertiary vascular clinic for management of peripheral vascular disease was undertaken. Institutional review board approval was granted. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 18.0 software. There was a 100% response rate, with 97 participants (53 male). Seventeen patients (19%) reported an interval of greater than six months from the onset of symptoms to first seeking medical attention with their General Practitioner. Only 19 (20%) could correctly identify 3 or more risk factors for peripheral vascular disease. Patients have limited awareness of PVD and its consequences. Educational initiatives are needed to encourage patients to seek early medical attention and raise awareness of modifiable risk factors in the community.