We present a rare case of primary subglottic schwannoma in a 51-year-old man. He presented with subacute dyspnea and progressively worsening stridor. Videoendoscopy revealed the presence of a submucosal mass in the subglottic area, which measured 2 cm in diameter and had occluded approximately 80% of the lumen. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a tumor arising from the left posterior wall of the subglottis and extending from the level of the cricoid cartilage to the first tracheal ring. After tracheostomy for airway management, subglottic schwannoma was diagnosed via fiberscopy-assisted punch biopsy. We removed the tumor via a medial thyrotomy (laryngofissure), and the post-excisional raw surface of the cricoid and tracheal cartilage was covered with a free buccal mucosal flap, which was attached using absorbable sutures and fibrin glue. No complications including recurrent nerve palsy developed after the procedure, and early postoperative ambulation was successfully performed. The patient is currently well, and the subglottic wound is clear. Although long-term follow-up is required, medial thyrotomy and coverage of the exposed cartilage with a free buccal mucosal flap is more effective for large subglottic schwannomas than laryngeal or tracheal resection with permanent tracheal tunnel formation from the viewpoint of phonation disability and the risk of complications.
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