Cell death is an effective strategy to limit intracellular infections. Canonical inflammasomes, including NLRP3, NLRC4, and AIM2, recruit and activate caspase-1 in response to a range of microbial stimuli and endogenous danger signals. Caspase-1 then promotes the secretion of IL-1β and IL-18 and a rapid form of lytic programmed cell death termed pyroptosis. A second inflammatory caspase, mouse caspase-11, mediates pyroptotic death through an unknown non-canonical inflammasome system in response to cytosolic bacteria. In addition, recent work shows that inflammasomes can also recruit procaspase-8, initiating apoptosis. The induction of multiple pathways of cell death has probably evolved to counteract microbial evasion of cell death pathways.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.