Mechanical breakdown and thrombolysis in subacute massive pulmonary embolism: A prospective trial

World J Cardiol. 2013 May 26;5(5):141-7. doi: 10.4330/wjc.v5.i5.141.


Aim: To assess role of combined modality of mechanical fragmentation and intralesional thrombolysis in patients with massive pulmonary embolism presenting subacutely.

Methods: Eight of 70 patients presenting in tertiary care centre of North India with massive pulmonary embolism within 4 years had subacute presentation (symptom onset more than 2 wk). These patients were subjected to pulmonary angiography with intention to treat basis via mechanical breakdown and intra lesional thrombolysis. Mechanical breakdown of embolus was accomplished with 5-F multipurpose catheter to re-establish flow, followed by intralesional infusion of urokinase (4400 IU/kg over 10 min followed by 4400 IU/kg per hour over 24 h).

Results: Eight patients, mean age 47.77 ± 12.20 years presented with subacute pulmonary embolism (mean duration of symptoms 2.4 wk). At presentation, mean heart rate, shock index, miller score and mean pulmonary pressures were 101.5 ± 15.2/min, 0.995 ± 0.156, 23.87 ± 3.76 and 37.62 ± 6.67 mmHg which reduced to 91.5 ± 12.2/min (P = 0.0325), 0.789 ± 0.139 (P = 0.0019), 5.87 ± 1.73 (P = 0.0000004) and 27.75 ± 8.66 mmHg (P = 0.0003) post procedurally. Mean BP improved from 80.00 ± 3.09 mmHg to 90.58 ± 9.13 mmHg (P = 0.0100) post procedurally. Minor complications in the form of local hematoma-minor hematoma in 1 (12.5%), and pseudoaneurysm (due to femoral artery puncture) in 1 (12.5 %) patient were seen. At 30 d and 6 mo follow up survival rate was 100% and all the patients were asymptomatic and in New York Heart Association class 1.

Conclusion: Combined modality of mechanical fragmentation and intralesional thrombolysis appears to be a promising alternative to high risk surgical procedures in patients with subacute massive pulmonary embolism.

Keywords: Catheter directed; Intra pulmonary; Mechanical breakdown; Subacute; Thromboembolic; Thrombolysis.