The school age is a dynamic period of growth and development. During this period physical, mental, social development of child takes place. The purpose of the study is to observe the nutritional status among the school aged children and to compare the urban and rural children. It is a descriptive cross sectional study. Data were collected from 600 children of primary school in Mymensingh district for a period of one year from October 2009 to September 2010. Among the primary school children in Mymensingh, Bangladesh 15.1% were wasted, 22.1% were stunted, 2.3% were both stunted and wasted and 60.4% children were within normal limit. Malnutrition was more in rural area in comparison with urban area. In rural area severely underweight, moderately underweight children were 62.1%, 65.6%, and corresponding result in urban area were 37.9%, 34.4% respectively. In rural area severely stunted, moderately stunted children were 100%, 58.6%, and in urban area they were 0%, 41.4% respectively. Again severely wasted and moderately wasted, children were 62.5%, 59.5% in rural area and 37.5%, 40.5% in urban area respectively. Malnutrition among girls were more then the boys.