Background: The authors report the final results of a prospective single-center randomized study whose aim was to compare the endoscopic placement of self-expandable stents with open surgical gastroenterostomy to relieve gastric outlet obstruction (GOO) in patients with advanced antropyloric adenocarcinoma. A systematic review of the medical literature from December 1999 to December 2011 was carried out to determine the results of endoscopic stenting in patients with GOO from unresectable primary cancer of the antropyloric region.
Methods: In the prospective study, 18 patients with advanced adenocarcinoma of the antropyloric region and symptoms of GOO were enrolled. In 9 patients, self-expandable stents were placed, and in 9 patients, open surgical gastroenterostomy was performed. Patients were followed until death. Six hundred seventy-two patients with primary unresectable cancer of the antropyloric region and GOO syndrome who underwent endoscopic stenting were identified from the literature.
Results: In the prospective study of 18 patients, there was no case of postprocedural mortality. Efficient gastric emptying resumed more quickly in patients who received stents, although 3 months after the procedures, there was no difference between the 2 groups. Mean crude survival was 258 days in patients who received stents and 283 days in those who underwent surgical gastroenterostomy (P = NS). In patients who underwent stent placement, there were 2 cases of stent migration and 2 cases of food impaction, which were resolved with endoscopy at a mean follow-up of 70 days. In the 672 patients from the literature, operative mortality and morbidity were very low. In prospective studies, complications related to stents were more common than previously thought.
Conclusions: Endoscopic placement of metallic stents offers an effective therapy in patients with advanced primary adenocarcinoma of the antropyloric region and poor general condition. In patients with longer life expectancies, the form of therapy should be chosen individually, considering that surgical gastroenterostomy has fewer complications in the medium term and that in patients with endoscopic stenting, very careful follow-up is required, with the possibility of new operative endoscopy in half of the patients.
Keywords: Expandable metallic stents; Gastric cancer; Gastroenterostomy.
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