Over the last years, the therapeutic community treatment with people who have cocaine problems and psychopathological comorbidity has been increasing and it is important to know more about the success of these treatments. The aim of this paper is to study the psychopathological profile of cocaine-dependent patients and its association with outcome variables. It is interviewed by the Psychiatric Research Interview for Substance and Mental Disorders (PRISM-IV) and the Conners' Adult ADHD Diagnostic Interview for DSM-IV (CAADID) a total sample of 218 patients who sought treatment at any of the six public therapeutics community of Andalusia (Spain). The results show that the retention rate after three months of 68.3% (149), 43.5% that leaves the resource with a therapeutic discharge and 52.8% with clinically significant changes. Besides, the 57.8% have psychopathological comorbidity. Finally, there is a higher treatment success (measured by days of stay, type of discharge and therapeutic community outcome clinical impression) among people without psychopathological comorbidity. These data show the need to adapt the therapeutic communities to treat people with comorbid psychopathology and, thus, improve therapeutic success.