Despite the advances in medical technology, health care improvements have not always been accompanied by commensurate attention to the child's well-being. Psychological and emotional status of children during hospital treatment is often underestimated. Namely, certain kind of institutional negligence is frequently present in everyday practice in children's institutions. Many hospitals in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) have become child-friendly during the implementation of the Project on Child-Friendly Hospitals supported by UNICEF and WHO. Apart from the introduction of child friendly environment, staff in hospitals was trained to provide a holistic approach. The program was closely linked to the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative that supported breastfeeding. A few years thereafter, our focus is still on the physical treatment of sick children, whereas the attention to their anxieties, fears and suffering has failed. A more serious approach to this problem is needed and should begin at an educational level in medical school programs. Accordingly, our philosophy (mission) should change from a mechanical (techno-) medicine to holistic medicine.