Three hundred forty four adult patients with acute leukemia were classified according to the FAB classification, and revealed 109 patients were ALL and 235 were AML. Surface marker analysis were done in 52 cases with ALL and 51 with AML. Patients with ALL were treated with VP or LVP therapy and those with AML were treated with DC(M)P, BH-AC DMP, DCMP-85 or DBMP-85. L 1 was 56% of ALL patients and L 2 was 44%. Complete remission (CR) rate of L 1 was 78.8% and that of L 2 was 62.5%, however 5 year survival rate was less than 20% in both groups. c-ALL was 62% of ALL, T-ALL and N-ALL were 15% and 13% respectively. L + M ALL was 8% and B + T ALL was 2%. CR rate was almost same among each groups, however disease free survival (DFS) was better in T-ALL and worse in c-ALL. M 1 was 23.4% of AML, M 2, M 3, M 4, M 5 and M 6 were 42.6%, 15.7%, 11.9%, 5.1% and 1.3% respectively. CR rate of all AML was 71.9% and that of M 3, M 5 and M 6 was worse than the average. Five years continued complete remission (CCR) rate of M 2, M 3 and M 4 were 20-25%, while that of M 1 and M 5 were worse than the former. Myeloid-AML was 67% of AML, L + M-AML and lymphoid-AML were 27% and 6% respectively. CR and CCR rate of L + M-AML and lymphoid-AML were seemed to be better than those of myeloid-AML. Thus, the patients with AML, even though they have the blasts which express lymphoid markers, can be treated with AML directed therapy.