Background: Pertussis vaccination for risk-groups (e. g. healthcare workers, employees of communal facilities, or persons with close contact to infants) has been recommended in Germany since 2001. In 2009, single-dose acellular pertussis (ap) vaccination was recommended for all adults at the next tetanus-diphtheria (Td) booster. Study aims were to assess 1) pertussis vaccination coverage in adults, and 2) use of tetanus-containing combination vaccines in hospitals.
Methods: For 1) we analysed data from two population-based telephone surveys conducted among adults in Germany in 2009/2010 (GEDA09: n = 21,262; GEDA10: n = 22,050). Factors associated with vaccination were identified by logistic regression analyses. For 2) a questionnaire survey of 133 hospital pharmacies serving 454 German hospitals was undertaken for the year 2007.
Results: Overall, 5.9% (95% confidence interval [CI] 5.5-6.3%) of GEDA10 participants reported up-to-date pertussis vaccination (ap-vaccination in past 10 years). In risk-groups, vaccination coverage was 10.7% (95%-CI 9.8-11.7%). Residence in former East-Germany and younger age were independently associated with an adequate vaccination status. Contrary to prevailing recommendations, ~75% of tetanus vaccines were administered as monovalent rather than Td- (or Tdap-)combination vaccines in hospitals.
Conclusions: In light of high pertussis-incidence and low vaccination coverage in German adults, improvement of pertussis vaccine uptake is vital, e. g. through awareness campaigns targeting both physicians in private practice and hospitals.
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.