Slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A) is an important factor mediating bronchoconstriction in asthma. We developed a guinea pig model for SRS-A mediated bronchoconstriction induced by antigen inhalation. Using this model, we investigated the effect of inhaled WP871, a new anti-allergic drug, on bronchoconstriction. Aerosol WP871 (0.01 and 0.033%) to some extent inhibited the antigen-induced bronchoconstriction in a dose-dependent fashion, but high-dose WP871 (0.1%) inhalation itself produced a non-specific bronchoconstriction. However, aerosol WP871 (0.033%) showed no inhibitory effect on bronchoconstriction caused by direct inhalation of leukotriene C4, a component of SRS-A. These findings indicate that aerosol WP871 does not antagonize SRS-A, but inhibits synthesis and/or release of SRS-A and has some non-specific bronchoconstrictive effect in high concentration.