Despite the material advancements and precise laboratory techniques, cement lines are inevitable in fixed prosthodontics which leads to increased dependence on the integrity of the cement to maintain the marginal seal. The material class of luting agent is known to influence microleakage. Studies of cement dissolution and disintegration have produced varying results. Hence, this study was done to evaluate marginal leakage under complete metal crowns using three adhesive cements, two resin cements (one self cure, one dual cure) and a glass ionomer cement. Metal crowns were prepared on sixty intact extracted premolars and were randomly divided into three groups of twenty each, with each group using a different cement for luting. All the samples were then subjected to thermocycling and were sectioned using a diamond saw. Reflected Binocular Stereomicroscope at 100× magnification was used to study the extent of microleakage at both metal cement (MC) and tooth cement (TC) interface, at two opposite margins of each sectioned specimen. Data was analyzed with a one way analysis of variance. For comparison among the groups multiple comparison Bonferroni test was done. Within group data was analysed with independent student t test. Between three groups, metal crowns cemented with multilink cement showed significantly less microleakage at both the interfaces. Glass ionomer cement recorded maximum combined microleakage amongst three cements irrespective of the interfaces. Within group, glass ionomer and multilink cement showed more microleakage at MC interfaces than at TC interface. A complex interaction between variables related to dental restoration, luting agent and tooth structure probably influence microleakage. In vitro studies must always be followed by in vivo studies before definite conclusion can be drawn.
Keywords: Adhesive luting cements; Microleakage; Thermocycling.