Immunoreactivities of two monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that recognize cone photopigments were tested in the retinas of congenitally blind retinal degenerate (rd) chicks and compared to normally sighted carrier chicks, heterozygous for the mutation. MAb OS-2 had been previously determined to label rod and most cone outer segment membranes in normal chick retinas and is believed to bind to an epitope that is common to several photopigments in chickens. MAb COS-1 labels specifically middle-to-long-wavelength-sensitive cone photopigments in a number of vertebrate species. In rd chicks MAb OS-2 labeled the same number of rod outer segments at the same densities as carrier chicks. However, cone outer segments were less frequently and significantly less heavily labeled with this MAb at all ages tested (1 day, 1 week and 2 weeks post hatching). MAb COS-1 labeled the same number of cone outer segments in both rd and carrier retinas at 1 day of age, however, those outer segments that were labeled in rd specimens had significantly fewer gold particles on them. At both 1 week and 2 weeks of age, rd chick retinas had a significant reduction in numbers of cone outer segments labeled by COS-1. These findings support the hypothesis that the cone photopigment protein is abnormal in the rd chick model of hereditary blindness and retinal degeneration.