The σ54-dependent prokaryotic regulator XylR implements a one-input/one-output actuator that transduces the presence of the aromatic effector m-xylene into transcriptional activation of the cognate promoter Pu. Such a signal conversion involves the effector-mediated release of the intramolecular repression of the N-terminal A domain on the central C module of XylR. On this background, we set out to endow this regulator with additional signal-sensing capabilities by inserting a target site of the viral protease NIa in permissive protein locations that once cleaved in vivo could either terminate XylR activity or generate an effector-independent, constitutive transcription factor. To find optimal protein positions to this end, we saturated the xylR gene DNA with a synthetic transposable element designed for randomly delivering in-frame polypeptides throughout the sequence of any given protein. This Tn5-based system supplies the target gene with insertions of a selectable marker that can later be excised, leaving behind the desired (poly) peptides grafted into the protein structure. Implementation of such knock-in-leave-behind (KILB) method to XylR was instrumental to produce a number of variants of this transcription factor (TF) that could compute in vivo two inputs (m-xylene and protease) into a single output following a logic that was dependent on the site of the insertion of the NIa target sequence in the TF. Such NIa-sensitive XylR specimens afforded the design of novel regulatory nodes that entered protease expression as one of the signals recognized in vivo for controlling Pu. This approach is bound to facilitate the functionalization of TFs and other proteins with new traits, especially when their forward engineering is made difficult by, for example, the absence of structural data.