The incidence of Müllerian duct anomalies in women is rare, associating with urinary tract anomalies such as horseshoe or pelvic kidney, renal agenesis, duplication of the collecting system, or ectopic uterus. Septate uterus is one type of congenital uterine anomalies, in which there is a septum from the fundus to the cervix. Currently, it is believed that hysteroscopic metroplasty is a leading choice for patients if their recurrent spontaneous abortion is resulted from septate uterus. But, some people refuse to have a surgery, and successfully delivery. In this case report, we report a successful pregnancy with two gestational sacs, one in each half-cavity, in a woman with septate uterus after transfer of three embryos into one half-cavity. Finally, the women gave birth to two healthy babies in our hospital.