Objective: To determine the clinical manifestations and results of current treatment for patients with retinoblastoma (Rb) in a tertiary care eye hospital in the north west of Pakistan.
Study design: Case series.
Place and duration of study: Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospital, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, from January 2006 and December 2009.
Methodology: The data of 139 patients diagnosed as having retinoblastoma was collected. Gender, age at diagnosis, laterality, presenting sign, classification of tumour, treatment modality and outcome were noted.
Results: The mean age of presentation in this patients ranged from 6 to 50 months (mean: 24.05 ± 10.74 months). The most common presenting sign was leucocoria in 78 eyes (44.1%). One hundred and one (72.7%) patients had unilateral retinoblastoma. Using the International Classification of Retinoblastoma (ICRB), 135 (76.3%) eyes were placed in group-E. one hundred and twenty four (77.5%) eyes were enucleated or exenterated while globe preservation was achieved by chemoreduction and/or focal therapy in the rest of the treated eyes (n = 36, 22.5%). Twenty three (16.5%) cases were lost to follow-up before one year. Ninety two (66.2%) patients survived, being free of tumour, at least one year after the completion of treatment.
Conclusion: Most children with Rb showed an advanced stage of tumour at the time of diagnosis. Measures to improve the rate of globe preservation and patient survival by early diagnosis and intervention are the need of the hour.