In about 10-15% of patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) there is no clear definitive differential diagnosis between Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) and the disease is classified as indeterminate colitis. Since pharmacological and surgical treatments differ in CD and UC, establishing a correct diagnosis is critical. The aim of this work was to access the expression profile of proteins involved in colonic inflammation and cancer in samples from CD and UC. For that, colon samples from 24 CD, 21 UC and 10 control patients were processed for immunohistochemistry using anti-phosphorylated RB at Ser(807/811) and anti-β-catenin. Crypts were blinded, analyzed and counted for phosphorylated RB-positive (phospho-RB) cells or scored for positive β-catenin staining. Western blot was used for confirming immuhistochemical results: RB phosphorylation was significantly greater in colon samples from patients with CD compared with UC (p<0.005). In contrast, the expression of β-catenin was significantly increased in UC compared with CD (p<0.005) samples. Phospho-RB and β-catenin are negatively correlated (CC: -0.573; p = 0.001). A positive phospho-RB test yielded high levels of sensitivity, specificity, negative and positive predictive values, and accuracy for the diagnosis of CD against UC. This work indicates that RB phosphorylation and β-catenin nuclear translocation are differently expressed in CD and UC, and provide novel insights into the pathogenic mechanisms of IBD. In particular, rates of phospho-RB-positive cells in mucosal samples emerge as a promising tool for the differential diagnosis of patients with IBD.