This study investigated the antibiofilm and antibacterial effects of farnesol and xylitol in a series of experiments in order to evaluate their potential use as root canal irrigants. The following substances were tested: 0.2% farnesol; 5% and 20% xylitol; 0.2% farnesol plus 20% xylitol; and saline (control). For comparison with an established endodontic irrigant, 2.5% NaOCl was included in each test. Three experiments were conducted: the crystal violet assay, to evaluate the effects on the biofilm biomass; the dentin disinfection test, to evaluate the effects on bacterial viability in biofilms; and the root canal disinfection test, to simulate the use in the root canal environment. Farnesol was the most effective substance in reducing the biofilm biomass, followed by 20% xylitol. All substances affected bacterial viability in biofilms; farnesol showed the best results followed by the farnesol/xylitol combination. Irrigation with all substances significantly reduced the bacterial load (p<0.001), but only the farnesol/xylitol combination was significantly more effective than saline (p=0.02). NaOCl was more effective than any other substance tested in the three experiments (p<0.001). The findings demonstrated that farnesol affected both the biofilm biomass and the viability of cells in the biofilm, while 20% xylitol affected only the biofilm biomass. Although not more effective than NaOCl, the combination of these two antibiofilm substances has potential to be used in endodontics in certain situations.