Dual pathology in a patient with right lower quadrant pain

Int J Angiol. 2012 Sep;21(3):155-8. doi: 10.1055/s-0032-1315798.


Meckel diverticula are remnants of the omphalomesenteric duct. They have 2% incidence in the general population, are usually asymptomatic, and tend to be diagnosed incidentally. The generally held principle had been that asymptomatic cases do not require resection, as exemplified by a 2008 systematic review of over 200 studies. However, a recent series reported an increased risk of malignancies, and recommended mandatory resection. We present a case of Meckel diverticulitis with concurrent infiltrative appendiceal carcinoid in a patient with right lower quadrant pain.

Keywords: Meckel diverticulitis; abdominal pain; appendix; carcinoid; diverticulitis; malignancy; resection.

Publication types

  • Case Reports