Aim: Evaluation of quality indicators of constructed cholera antigen polymer diagnosticums by using a complex of specific anti-cholera sera. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Cell lysates of cholera vibrio strains Vibrio cholerae cholerae 1395, V. eltor Ogawa 2044, V. eltor Inaba 13020, V. cholerae O139 16064 were sensitins for experimental preparations. 3 sera from cholera patients, normal human sera, cholera O1 (Ogawa, Inaba) commercial horse, cholera O139 commercial rabbit and heterologic sera against shigella, salmonella, escherichia and yersinia as well as experimental cholera rabbit sera against O1 and O139 were used as control.
Results: The study established that diagnosticums based on V. cholerae cholerae 1395 and V. cholerae O139 16064 strain sensitins by quality indicators may be used in the future for construction of these diagnosticums.
Conclusion: Antibody containing preparations--commercial horse O1 sera, rabbit experimental and commercial sera and MCA O139 demonstrating titers not lower than 1/5120-1/10240 may serve as a control of experimental diagnosticums in the absence of human sera from cholera patients.