Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is independent factor of progression of ischemic heart disease (IHD). In that case, it is important to know the peculiarities of diagnosis and treatment of IHD in patients with CKD. The importance of this problem is increasing due to increase of patients with CKD. Cardio-vascular morbidity in patients with CKD is higher than in patients with other diseases. Myocardial revasculization may lead to significant improvement of survivability in patients with CKD. Among the prevention and treatment facilities the Vishnevsky Central Military Clinical Hospital N 3 is a leader in preforming the myocardial revasculization. The authors gave an example of successful coronary artery bypass surgery in patient with IHD and end-stage of CKD. Development of modem medical technologies, systematization of experience and knowledge allow in XXI century to consider CKD as non-absolute contradiction to elective surgery in case of different forms of IHD, including the end-stage of CKD (dialysis treatment). It is advisable to perform the myocardial revasculization in patients with the end-stage of CKD in specialized multi-field hospital, where can provided not only cardiosurgical and cardiological treatment but also specialized treatment for neurological patients, including haemodialysis and hemofiltration.