Heat resistance of free-spores of 78 Bacillus strains isolated from laboratory animals was examined. Spores of 41 out of 78 strains survived for 320 minutes at 70 degrees C, 27 for 160 min, at 100 degrees C, only one for 20 min. at 110 degrees C by autoclaving, and none for 5 min. at 120 degrees C. D-values at 100 degrees C of 9 strains determined were between 5.03 and 30.06 min. Spores of 9 strains from stock cultures were exposed to ozone gas at various conditions. Ozone resistance of spores was closely dependent upon relative humidity. D-values of the spores tested by treatment with 200 ppm ozone at 60% RH were over 200 min., especially over 1,000 min. in 4 strains, indicating that exposure to ozone at a moderate humidity for 6 hours could not sterilize Bacillus spores. At 90% RH, however, treatment with 200 ppm ozone for 6 hr. might be effective for a routine sterilization in laboratory animal facilities.