Obesity and its related factors are known to suppress the secretion of growth hormone (GH). We aimed to evaluate the influence of body mass index (BMI) on the peak GH response to provocative testing in short children without GH deficiency. We conducted a retrospective review of medical records of 88 children (2-15 yr old) whose height was less than 3 percentile for one's age and sex, with normal results (peak GH level > 10 ng/mL) of GH provocative testing with clonidine and dopamine. Peak stimulated GH level, height, weight, pubertal status and serum IGF-1 level were measured. Univariate analysis showed that the BMI standard deviation score (SDS) correlated negatively with the natural log (ln) of the peak stimulated GH level (ln peak GH). BMI SDS did not correlate significantly with sex, age, pubertal status, or ln IGF-1 level. BMI SDS correlated negatively with ln peak GH level induced by clonidine but not by dopamine. In stepwise multivariate regression analysis, BMI SDS was the only significant predictor of ln peak GH level in the combination of tests and the clonidine test, but not in the dopamine test. In children without GH deficiency, BMI SDS correlates negatively with the peak GH level. BMI SDS should be included in the analysis of the results of GH provocation tests, especially tests with clonidine.
Keywords: Body Mass Index; Clonidine; Dopamine; Growth Hormone.