Introduction: Laparoscopic Heller-Dor surgery is the current treatment of choice for patients with esophageal achalasia, but elderly patients are generally referred for less invasive treatments (pneumatic dilations or botulinum toxin injections).
Aim: To assess the effect of age on the surgical outcome of patients receiving laparoscopic Heller-Dor as primary treatment.
Methods: Demographic and clinical findings were prospectively collected on patients undergoing laparoscopic Heller-Dor from 1992 to 2012. Patients were classified in three age brackets: group A (≤45 years), group B (45-70), and group C (≥70). Treatment was defined as a failure if the postoperative symptom score was >10th percentile of the preoperative score (i.e., >8). We consecutively performed the Heller-Dor in 571 achalasia patients, 305 (53.4 %) in group A, 226 (39.6 %) in group B, and 40 (7 %) in group C.
Results: The mortality was nil; the conversion and morbidity rates were both 1.1 %. Group C patients had higher preoperative symptom scores (p = 0.02), while the symptom duration was similar in all three groups. Mucosal tears occurred in 17 patients (3 %): 6 (2 %) in group A, 8 (3.5 %) in group B, and 3 (7.5 %) in group C (p = 0.09). The postoperative hospital stay was slightly longer for group C (p = 0.06).
Discussion: The treatment failure rate was quite similar: 31 failures in group A (10.1 %), 19 in group B (8.4 %), and 3 in group C (7.5 %; p = 0.80). These failures were seen more in manometric pattern III (22.2 %, p = 0.002). Laparoscopic Heller-Dor can be used as the first therapeutic approach to achalasia even in elderly patients with an acceptable surgical risk.