The convenience of Genotropin KabiQuick, a novel single-use disposable injection system for growth hormone (GH) administration, was studied in 20 GH-treated children aged 8-16 years. The convenience of the device and tolerance to it were assessed by means of a questionnaire, which was completed by the patients and their families after a treatment period of 2 weeks. The families were asked to compare the new device with the conventional system of GH administration, involving the use of standard ampoules and ordinary syringes. The majority of patients considered the new device superior to the conventional system; 85% of patients found reconstitution easier and 70% found dosing easier. Sixty-five per cent of patients expressed a preference for using Genotropin KabiQuick for future therapy. It is concluded that Genotropin KabiQuick is well tolerated and that the majority of patients prefer it to conventional injection systems for GH administration.