The creation of haploid gametes in yeast, termed spores, requires the de novo formation of membranes within the cytoplasm. These membranes, called prospore membranes, enclose the daughter nuclei generated by meiosis. Proper growth and closure of prospore membranes require the highly conserved Vps13 protein. Mutation of SPO71, a meiosis-specific gene first identified as defective in spore formation, was found to display defects in membrane morphogenesis very similar to those seen in vps13Δ cells. Specifically, prospore membranes are smaller than in the wild type, they fail to close, and membrane vesicles are present within the prospore membrane lumen. As in vps13Δ cells, the levels of phophatidylinositol-4-phosphate are reduced in the prospore membranes of spo71Δ cells. SPO71 is required for the translocation of Vps13 from the endosome to the prospore membrane, and ectopic expression of SPO71 in vegetative cells results in mislocalization of Vps13. Finally, the two proteins can be coprecipitated from sporulating cells. We propose that Spo71 is a sporulation-specific partner for Vps13 and that they act in concert to regulate prospore membrane morphogenesis.